Thursday, December 21, 2023

What do I want this year for Christmas instead of a present?

Hello Jhana’s supporters, it’s your disability advocate and writer Jhana. I hope all of you are doing well. I know I’ve been a bit slacking on my blogs and I am extremely sorry. I am still trying to get the strength to do them on a regular basis because coming up with topics and written text is hard to come up with. I am going to try to write this blog and future ones too so please bear with me.

Christmas is next week and most people want Christmas presents but not me. There are 3 things that I want this Christmas instead of a present. 

  1. I want to have my friends and family in good health. 

  2. I want to love myself more

  3. And lastly, I want to be able to focus on the love I share with my Fiance. Instead of how everyone thinks I should feel.

There is nothing I want more than those 3 things because when I was younger, I wanted more; I was too picky and too self-centered. But when I am an adult, I know that presents are not all that matters. What matters is being with someone that I really love and care about. So this christmas, I encourage you to spend this christmas with someone you really love. Because nothing is more special than family. 

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Hello, Jhana’s supporters! It’s your disability advocate and writer, Jhana. I hope you’re all doing well. I’ve been busy with school, partic...