Thursday, May 30, 2024

You are not cursed because of your Disability

Hello Jhana’s supporters, It’s your disability advocate and writer Jhana. I am sorry that I haven’t posted a blog article in a while. Coming up with articles is hard to come up with. But I will just try to make them on a regular basis. I want you all to know how I appreciate every single one of you who supports me. 

Last week, I posted a meme on Facebook that reads, “there is currently no cure for Spina bifida, but people living with it can survive and thrive.” I posted on my Facebook that I am head admin. It’s called, “SB & Hydro WARRIORS.” When I posted the meme, a friend that I want to keep anonymous; let’s call him Joe. Joe said that his Spina Bifida seems like a curse not a disability. The reason why he said that was because he is paralyzed from the Waist down. That’s when I decided to do this blog. 

Embrace your disability

For years I’ve always thought of my disability as cursed. I always cared about my disability. I always wanted to be like everyone else. Everyone who does not have a disability that is. I felt like people who do not have a disability, have more to offer the world. But when my Fiance came to Hawaii in 2018, I started to accept my disability because he accepts me for who I am and he does not want to change me to someone I am not. 

Having a disability does not make you less than anything. Having a disability makes you who you are and you should embrace it. Having a disability does not mean that you are cursed. It just means that you are different from everyone else. But who is not different? Everyone is different in their own way. That’s what makes you special. If you are the same as everyone else, then the world would be boring, don’t you think? As my favorite artist Demi Lovato says, “Be who you are because everyone else is already taken.” What that means is, you are already perfect just as you are. And you don’t have to change who you are for other people’s approval. Just because you have a disability, does not mean you have a curse. You should be proud of your disability because you are still alive. My Fiance always said to me, “Your disability is not who you are. You make who you are!” And who you are is so much more than a disability. You are special in your own way. And that is what I hope that you will get out of my blog today. 

Thank you for reading, I plan on making blogs more often but it is hard to do. 

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Understanding Hydrocephalus: Why It’s Not Classified as a Neurological Disease

Hello, Jhana’s supporters! It’s your disability advocate and writer, Jhana. I hope you’re all doing well. I’ve been busy with school and oth...