Saturday, January 6, 2024

I refuse to be a VICTIM but a VICTOR


Greetings, Jhana's supporters! This is your writer and disability advocate, Jhana. I'm hoping all is fine with everyone. I'm still working on making it a habit to write a new blog on Thursdays and Saturdays. I've written blogs from my previous blogs that I deleted and created a new one. I've made the decision to revamp my written blogs a little bit for this new blog. Anyway, let's start the blog for today. 

As you may have observed, the heading of my blog post is "I am a victor, not a victim." Because of my condition, I have been treated like a victim my entire life. However, my condition merely makes me unique; it does not turn me into a victim. 

I have chosen to be a victor this year rather than a victim. I have chosen to see my impairment as a blessing rather than a drawback. I'm going to view myself as a victor moving forward because I've overcome so many challenges that others didn't think I could overcome. I'm not claiming that it was simple to realize that; a lot of counseling and advocating were necessary to reach that conclusion. 

This concludes our blog post, and I'll speak with you again soon. 

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The Power of Goal Setting: How to turn your Dreams into Reality

Hello, Jhana’s supporters! It’s your disability advocate and writer, Jhana. I hope you’re all doing well. I’ve been busy with school, partic...